The Power of Ambition

Are we born with ambition, or do we develop it? Can we change, or are lazy people simply the result of their genetic makeup? This is a question I ask myself often- in part because my life’s vision depends upon the answer. My mission is to inspire other people to follow their dreams and live their truth, so if it can’t be developed, then I guess I’m out of a job!

In my short, but powerful start to a career in leadership development and life coaching, I’ve seen countless people with little skill, few talents, and low self-confidence, blow my expectations out to the water! Unfortunately, I’ve seen just as many people with all the potential and talent in the world fall flat on their faces. So what’s the difference? Why do some people work harder than others? What do the “successful” have that the failures don’t? Well, according to Albert Gray in The Common Denominator of Success, it boils down to one thing. Purpose. Do you have a strong emotional purpose tied to your daily actions? I believe that once a person is on the path to fulfillment of an emotional purpose, ambition follows. Remember being a child? No dream was too big, everything was miracle of nature, and every second of every day revolved around the yearning to discover. We didn’t judge anyone or anything; we weren’t afraid of anything. We literally believed we would change the world! Remember when you liked to learn? Remember when we used to dread going to sleep? How we used to fight to stay awake!? We didn’t wanna stop! I see many people who struggle unbelievably to get out of bed in the morning; hitting the snooze button 10 times before miserably crawling out to their excuse of a life. Harsh? Yes. The truth? Unfortunately for most, also yes. 

So… what changes? Life comes knocking at our door, responsibilities start piling up, failures show us what we can’t do, and our fires begin to dim. Slowly, our dreams, our goals, and our outlandish imaginations disappear because of expectations to “grow up.” We slowly become victims to our conditions, and we believe our past equals the future, so what’s the point in trying? Goodbye ambitions, hello “reality.” Where once there was no limit to our potential, there now exists self-imposed limitations. We effectively close ourselves off to possibility. What happened? Where did that zest for life escape to? And more importantly- what can we do to get it back?

We could blame the schools- we could blame our parents. Hell, we can even blame the government. But I want you to think about the last time accusing actually supported change. So what then, you ask? Take ownership. Take responsibility. Without responsibility, we would never grow. If it’s always someone else’s fault, then they own both the blame and the power to change it. If it’s always someone else, we will never look within and give ourselves a chance to discover our true power. Our life’s circumstances are as they are because of our own choices. Nothing more, nothing less. Yes, I acknowledge, we are all born into different experiences. It’s not fair. That’s the way life is right now, so what are you going to do about it? This might be hard to stomach, but it’s the only reality that will grant any possibility of a better tomorrow.

Because there can be a better tomorrow. Intense dissatisfaction with one’s current situation is the prerequisite for change. So if you’re not happy with your life; you’re feeling apathetic, un-engaged… drudging through your days with the energy of a slug, then maybe it’s time to learn from some kids. While they may not be better at balancing a check book or filing their taxes… they do know a thing or two about living life with passion. They’re PhDs of enthusiasm with a masters in positivity. They’re black belts in the art of waking up with gratitude for a new day. And most of all, they’re Zen masters when it comes to being present in the moment. “But I’ll look silly if I start living like a child! I’m a respectable adult!” What’s more important to you, being happy or being liked? Maybe it’s time we start realizing that the norm is not only boring, but it’s killing our spirit. Embrace being weird. Be a like a child again and your passions will come out of hiding.

So in short, no. I don’t believe we are born with ambition. We are born with pure, limitless and passionate imagination. Ambition is simply the by-product.



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